
Aviva in Tampa, FL

At Ryze Wellness & MedSpa in Tampa, FL, we recognize that women’s health issues, like vaginal laxity and incontinence, are more than medical terms — they’re real experiences affecting daily life. Our approach is about understanding these challenges from a woman’s perspective, providing services where empathy and expertise go hand in hand.

Aviva is a non-surgical option for vaginal rejuvenation that can help to reduce excess skin and tighten tissues around the vagina. We are excited to offer Aviva as part of our commitment to supporting women’s wellness with thoughtful, effective solutions.

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation can be any type of treatment that resolves issues like laxity, discomfort, or aesthetic concerns in the vaginal area. These non-surgical treatments can improve function, enhance sexual wellness for women, and also help to correct concerns that many women have about the cosmetics of their vaginal area.

Aviva’s Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Services

Aviva is a non-surgical treatment that can offer another option for vaginal rejuvenation to women who aren’t interested in invasive procedures. With Aviva, women are able to have enhanced comfort and aesthetics without the downtime of surgery.

How Does Aviva Work?

Aviva is a device that has two components that work together to tighten vaginal tissue. The handpiece includes a small probe that is inserted through a tiny incision in the vaginal area. During the treatment, radiofrequency energy travels between the interior probe and the exterior portion of the handpiece as the practitioner uses the device to tighten vaginal tissues. The device is used in several different directions to coagulate tissues and stimulate collagen and elastin production.

What Can Aviva Treat? 

  • Vaginal Laxity: Vaginal tightening treatment through Aviva can effectively address laxity, restoring a firmer feel. This treatment is designed to rejuvenate and tighten, enhancing both function and minimizing loose or excess skin.
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence: Aviva can help relieve some amounts of stress urinary incontinence by tightening the tissues surrounding the area. We also offer other treatments that can help to strengthen the pelvic floor for even better results.
  • Vaginal Dryness: Aviva vaginal rejuvenation can alleviate dryness, improving comfort and overall intimate health.
  • Cosmetic Appearance: With vaginal tightening, Aviva can enhance the cosmetic appearance of the labia and surrounding tissues.
  • Decreased Sensation During Intercourse: Each vagina tightening treatment provided by Aviva can also address issues of decreased sensation during intercourse, aiming to enhance sexual experience and satisfaction.

More Benefits of Aviva Vaginal Rejuvenation

Non-Invasive Alternative to Labiaplasty

Aviva offers a groundbreaking option for those wary of the risks and recovery time associated with traditional labiaplasty. By choosing this non-surgical labiaplasty, patients can enjoy the benefits of labiaplasty with a non-invasive approach, significantly reducing recovery time and potential complications associated with surgical procedures.

Enhanced Comfort

Aviva’s non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation technique prioritizes patient comfort, reducing the physical stress associated with traditional methods. This approach provides a more comfortable experience during treatment and a smoother, less intrusive post-treatment recovery, enhancing overall satisfaction.

Fast, Convenient, and Comfortable Treatments

Aviva offers treatments that are effective, fast, and convenient. This vagina-tightening treatment can be done in less than an hour, so it is easier to fit into a busy schedule. Recovery is also much faster than more invasive surgeries, with only small amounts of discomfort.

Long-Lasting Results

One of the most compelling aspects of Aviva is the long-lasting results it can help achieve. The treatment is designed to deliver sustained improvements, so patients can enjoy the benefits of rejuvenation over a longer period of time. 

Improved Sexual Health and Function

Sexual wellness isn’t always a focus for women’s healthcare needs, but we recognize that it is a major part of a woman’s overall health. With Aviva, we can make a difference in quality of life for many women who are either concerned about the aesthetics of loose or excess labial skin or who want to find ways to increase their sexual enjoyment.

Common Questions About Our Aviva Treatments

During an Aviva treatment, a local anesthetic will be used to numb the treatment area. Once the area is numb, a miniature incision is made through which the tiny probe can be inserted. The skin of the labia is pressed between the external and internal portions of the handpiece, similar to the way hair is pressed between the two sides of a flat iron. Radiofrequency energy, which feels like warmth, is applied to the tissues. Once the whole area has been treated, the probe is removed. No stitches are needed since the incision is so small.

Patients generally start noticing improvements from their vaginal tightening treatments with Aviva within a few weeks. Full benefits, however, tend to develop gradually over a few months. Individual experiences vary, so the exact timeline can differ from person to person.

Absolutely. Each Aviva treatment is tailored to fit the specific needs and goals of the patient. This customization allows for addressing various aspects of vaginal health, so the treatment can align with your individual concerns and desired outcomes.

After Aviva, you may experience some soreness or tenderness in the area, particularly where the little incision was made. However, this usually goes away within one to three days. Most people can still do most normal activities, but intercourse, tampon use, and swimming may be restricted for a short time.

Choose Aviva for Your Vaginal Rejuvenation Goals

At Ryze Wellness & MedSpa in Tampa, FL, we would love to walk through our treatment options with you. Aviva is just one of the many ways that we can help women to regain their sexual wellness. If you’re considering vaginal rejuvenation, we would love to share the benefits of Aviva with you. Please reach out to us at (813) 353-1268 or contact us online.

Aviva vaginal rejuvenation

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